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Performance Management (Casino)

Nova Scotia Gaming is responsible for the conduct and management of the regulated gambling industry. We do this effectively by establishing appropriate strategic goals for our operators and setting performance measures.

Casino Nova Scotia's Mandate

Provide a broad range of casino entertainment options that are relevant, engaging and delivered in a safe and responsible way to optimize responsible profits to the shareholder.

Casino Nova Scotia - Strategic Direction

The following Strategic Goals of Casino Nova Scotia are aligned with our mission to offer trusted and entertaining responsible gaming experiences, optimizing the benefits for Nova Scotians:

  1. Amplify the experience;
  2. Continuous improvement;
  3. Mitigate impacts of Cogswell reconstruction; and,
  4. Capitalize on visitation.

Performance Measures (2023-24)

The following financial measures aligned with NSGC’s objectives and strategic goals relating to performance.

Meet budgeted Payment to Province $27.1 million $31.8 million
Meet Total Revenue Budget for Halifax Casino $60.7 million $73.8 million
Meet Total Revenue Budget for Sydney Casino $19.3 million $19.1 million
Meet Visitation Target for Halifax Casino 788,367 770,059
Meet Visitation Target for Sydney Casino 276,010 261,498
Adhere to Nova Scotia Policies & Standards for Responsible Gambling Compliance In Compliance

Previous Performance Measures