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Improving Voluntary Self-Exclusion

Nova Scotia introduced an updated Voluntary Self-Exclusion Program (VSE) at Casino Nova Scotia. The following changes came into effect on January 22, 2020 and apply to all Casino Nova Scotia VSE enrollees regardless of enrolment date.


What is Voluntary Self-Exclusion?

Voluntary Self-Exclusion allows people to exclude themselves from both of Nova Scotia’s casino properties (Halifax and Sydney). This includes the gaming floor, restaurants and entertainment venues (excluding Centre 200). Signing up for voluntary exclusion is a very personal decision. People who choose to self-exclude do so for a variety of reasons.


What are the changes to the VSE program?

Changes include a variety of exclusion lengths, forfeiture of wins and a simplified reinstatement process.


What is “forfeiture of wins” (may also be called disentitlement of wins)?

This means that enrollees in the VSE program are not eligible to collect prizes from the casino, cash or otherwise. This is intended to discourage individuals from entering the casino.


Will current enrollees be informed of the changes?

Experts and individuals who self-identified as having a gambling problem, were consulted about this question and all said it was important NOT to contact self-excluded individuals. They said doing so could be a trigger for someone who has self-excluded.


More help and information

For more information on Voluntary Self-Exclusion in Nova Scotia, visit


The Provincial Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Line provides crisis support for anyone, or someone they care about who may be experiencing a mental health or addictions crisis. The Crisis line is free, confidential, and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call (toll-free) 1-888-429-8167 or Visit Site.